
To post on the CLEA job board, please fill out this Google Form. Please note that the way you input the position description will be the way it appears on the website. Thank you!

  • 28 Sep 2012 9:11 PM | Donna Lee
    USC Gould School of Law is seeking applications for the Audrey Irmas Clinical Teaching Fellowship.

    This two year fellowship was created in 2011. Candidates should have two to five years practice experience, experience or interest in advocating on behalf of women and children, and an interest in pursuing a career in law school clinical teaching. The salary range is $60,000 to $75,000 per year, plus USC benefits. The two year fellowship will begin in the summer of 2013.

    The Irmas Clinical Teaching Fellowship will offer opportunities for clinical teaching in one or more clinical programs, including the Immigration Clinic, the International Human Rights Clinic, or the Post-Conviction Justice Project. The Irmas Clinical Teaching Fellow will work under the supervision of the clinical faculty members who teach and direct those Clinics and will concentrate on cases or projects involving or affecting the rights of women and children.

    To learn more about the USC Clinics, please visit their websites at:

    Duties will include:
    --Intensive supervision of clinical and summer students;
    --Co-teaching portions of the linked clinical seminar(s);
    --Curriculum development;
    --Individual case or project work; and
    --Organizing occasional programmatic events.

    Requirements for candidates:
    --Demonstrated interest in the rights of women and children;
    --Experience with one or more of the following areas is desirable-
    o immigration law,
    o international human rights and / or international criminal law,
    o criminal law;
    --Excellent academic record;
    --Two to five years of practice experience;
    --Admission to a State bar (admission to the California Bar is required for candidates who want to work in the Post- Conviction Justice Project);
    --Excellent analytical and writing skills;
    --Aptitude for student supervision;
    --Prior teaching experience is a plus; and
    --Bilingual ability in Spanish or another language(s) is desirable.

    USC values diversity and is committed to equal opportunity in employment. Women and men, and members of all racial and ethnic groups, are encouraged to apply.  

    Applications should be submitted through the below link and must be received by 5:00 PM PDT, Friday, November 30th, 2012.    

  • 28 Sep 2012 9:07 PM | Donna Lee
    THOMAS JEFFERSON SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications and nominations for the position of President and Dean of the School of Law.  The next President and Dean must possess integrity and high academic and personal standards, be energetic and persistent in the pursuit of excellence, and be enthusiastic about the School of Law’s values and mission.  She or he will inspire and lead the community during a time of great opportunity and significant challenges for law schools nationwide.  The successful candidate will bring passion, insight, and expertise to advancing the School of Law’s educational and scholarly missions and to managing and further developing a dynamic and maturing institution of higher education.
    Thomas Jefferson School of Law is an independent, fully ABA-approved, AALS member law school located in the heart of San Diego, California.  The School of Law enrolls more than 1200 diverse and engaged law students from across the nation and throughout the world in its J.D., LL.M, J.S.M., and J.S.D. programs, and offers full-time, part-time, day, evening, and online programs, as well as a joint J.D.-M.B.A. program in collaboration with San Diego State University.  The dynamic, diverse, and highly productive faculty is characterized by its deep commitment to teaching and scholarship.  Since the spring of 2011, the School of Law has occupied a new, technologically advanced, eight-story, 177,000 square foot, state-of-the-art, environmentally sustainable facility in the East Village area of downtown San Diego.
    The Dean is the President of the School of Law, reporting directly to the Board of Trustees.  The ideal candidate will have significant experience and expertise leading and developing legal academic institutions, overseeing large and sophisticated budgets, managing multiple and complex institutional projects, cultivating and inspiring diverse and dynamic faculty and staff, catalyzing an educational culture conducive to developing excellent law students and law graduates, fundraising from diverse sources, and communicating with accrediting organizations and other important institutions in legal education.  The successful candidate will also satisfy the School of Law’s criteria for appointment with tenure.
    The term of this Dean and President will commence July 1, 2013.  Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. However, to allow for the most complete consideration, applications should be submitted by October 15, 2012.  The School of Law strongly encourages applications from women, minorities, and others who may enhance the diversity of the School of Law.
    Candidates are asked to provide a cover letter discussing their interest in and qualifications for the position along with their curriculum vitae (c.v.).  Materials should be sent electronically (Adobe PDF or MS Word format) to Judge William McCurine, Chair, Dean Search Committee at the secure email address:  The c.v. should include the names and contact information of references.  Such references, however, will not be contacted without the permission of the candidate.  Nominations of candidates for the position are also welcome.
    All applications and inquiries will be treated as confidential unless otherwise indicated by the candidate. Any inquiries about the position should be directed to Judge William McCurine, at the email address above. For more information, please visit
    Thomas Jefferson School of law is an equal opportunity employer, and fosters diversity in its faculty, administration, staff, and student populations.
  • 28 Sep 2012 9:00 PM | Donna Lee
    CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications for a full-time faculty position to begin in the 2013-2014 academic year as a clinical professor in the Bette & Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic.  The clinic represents low-income clients in immigration and protection order matters.  Students elect to enroll in either the immigration track or the protection order track.  The clinical professor will teach the immigration track of the clinic seminar, supervise immigration track students, perform intake interviews with prospective clients, represent clients in immigration matters, and assist with clinic fund-raising efforts.  Candidates should have a J.D. or its equivalent along with either great promise or a record of excellence in teaching.  We especially prefer candidates with experience in immigration practice.  Chapman University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to providing career opportunities to all people, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.   Final candidates will be required to undergo a background check. Contact: Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Professor Scott Howe, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee.  Contact address: 
  • 28 Sep 2012 8:55 PM | Donna Lee
    Please complete an application, and submit it to both the Domestic Violence Clinic and the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program at and  Please be sure to indicate your interest in the Domestic Violence Clinic on the application.  Applications must be submitted by Friday, November 16, 2012.  Those selected to interview will be interviewed in December or January, with selection following shortly thereafter.  Start date is in early July, 2013, and the fellowship is two years, terminating in June, 2015.

    Description of the Clinic
    Students in the Domestic Violence Clinic represent victims of intimate abuse in civil protection order ("CPO") cases in D.C. Superior Court. The Clinic provides students with an intensive, challenging education in the art of trial advocacy, extensive hands-on experience with family law and poverty lawyering, and the opportunity to alleviate a crucial community need for legal representation. Through course work and client representation, students are exposed to every phase of expedited civil litigation. Students also learn to navigate the criminal justice system by working, in cases where it is consistent with their client's wishes, with the U.S. Attorneys Office in prosecutions against those accused of abusing Clinic clients.

    Students litigate to obtain Civil Protection Orders ("CPOs") that last for up to one year and can include a broad spectrum of relief designed to effectively end the violence in a family or dating relationship. For example, in a CPO, a judge may direct a batterer to cease assaulting and threatening the victim; to stay away from the victim's home, person and workplace; and not to contact the victim in any manner. The judge may award temporary custody of the parties; minor children, with visitation rights for the non-custodial parent, and award child and/or spousal support, so that a victim is not forced to return to a batterer due to economic necessity.

    To prepare students to appear in court, Clinic faculty provide intensive instruction in evidence, civil procedure, and legal ethics, as well as the civil, family, and criminal law applicable to domestic violence litigation. In the seminar class, students participate in exercises designed to develop and refine essential litigation skills such as conducting direct and cross examination, delivering opening statements and closing arguments, introducing exhibits into evidence, and conducting negotiations. In addition, students hear from expert guest speakers on topics such as the psychological dynamics of battering and victimization, immigration and domestic violence, and counseling programs designed for the perpetrator community.

    Description of the Fellowship
    The Domestic Violence Clinic hires one person to serve as a clinical teaching fellow and supervising attorney each year, for a two-year term.  Fellows have several areas of responsibility, including: representing victims of family abuse in CPO cases; designing and teaching Clinic seminar classes; and supervising third-year law students in their representation of clients.  The fellowship experience is designed particularly to develop the fellow's skills as a clinical instructor and to introduce fellows to a career in clinical law teaching. Throughout the fellowship, fellows also receive extensive supervision and training on their litigation skills.

    Clinic fellows also pursue a program of graduate study, through an Introduction to Clinical Pedagogy seminar, taught by the Georgetown clinical faculty. Fellows also may audit regular law school courses. Finally, during the first year, fellows also are members of the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program, where they have an opportunity to collaborate with lawyers doing a variety of women's rights legal work in Washington, D.C. For a description of the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program visit their webpage at

    The Clinic prefers, but does not require, applications who have a background in family law, domestic violence, or poverty law and who have some trial practice experience. Fellows must have excellent oral and written advocacy skills, and must be admitted to a Bar prior to commencing the fellowship. Those fellows who are not members of the D.C. Bar must apply for admission by waiver upon accepting the fellowship offer.
  • 28 Sep 2012 8:44 PM | Donna Lee
    Indiana University Bloomington invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Maurer School of Law.

    Founded in 1842, the Maurer School of Law is among the top ten public law schools in the country. The Maurer School of Law has approximately 650 JD students and 100 international students, 55 full-time faculty members, six robust research centers, numerous clinical and externship opportunities, and partnerships with top-ranked schools on the Bloomington campus and around the world. The school prepares its students to become ethical lawyers and leaders, and has an engaged and supportive alumni base throughout the world.

    Under the leadership of the previous dean, Lauren Robel, the Maurer School of Law completed a major capital campaign, including a naming gift from alumnus Michael S. Maurer. The successful campaign enabled the school to enhance the quality of its faculty, students, and academic programs.

    The Dean serves as the chief academic and administrative officer for the Maurer School of Law, and reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President. Applicants for Dean of the Maurer School of Law should possess distinguished records of scholarship, teaching, professional experience, and public service, and be appropriate for tenure as a full professor at the law school. Applicants should also possess strong administrative, managerial, development, and communication skills necessary for leading a law school on the campus of a highly interdisciplinary public research university. The expected starting date for the position is July 1, 2013.

    Individuals from underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. The University's dedication to excellence is complemented by its commitment to building a culturally diverse academic community.

    The position will be open until filled.  Further information about the search, including the full position description and how to apply, can be found at:   

    Questions about the search, feedback, or nominations may be emailed to:

    Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. The University actively encourages applications and nominations of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities and applications from candidates with diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • 25 Sep 2012 7:03 PM | Tanya A Cooper (Administrator)

    The Clinical Law Review seeks applications for two vacancies on the Board of Editors and for the position of one of the three co-Editors-in-Chief. The Board of Editors urges you to think about whether you would be interested, and to think about others whom you would encourage to apply.

    Members of the Board of Editors serve for a term of 6 years. The term of the new Board members will commence in January 2014. Board meetings customarily are held twice a year: once at the annual Clinical Law Review Workshop at the end of September and once at the AALS Spring clinical workshop or conference. Board members are expected to attend meetings regularly. Policy matters for the Review and status of upcoming issues are discussed at these meetings. Throughout the year, Board members are asked to work with authors to edit articles. Board members also customarily serve as small group leaders in the Clinical Law Review Workshop.

    The Review has three co-Editors-in-Chief. Kate Kruse is ending her term as co-Editor-in-Chief but will stay on the Board as an Emeritus Editor-in-Chief. Randy Hertz and Michael Pinard are the two other co-Editors-in-Chief, with whom the new co-Editor-in-Chief will work closely. The responsibilities of a co-Editor-in-Chief include final decisions on acceptance and rejection of pieces and the editing of articles. A considerable time commitment is involved but all three co-Editors-in-Chief endorse it as very rewarding work. The co-Editors-in-Chief also must attend Board meetings as previously described. The term of the new co-Editor-in-Chief will commence in January 2014.  Familiarity with the operations of the Journal, through current or prior service on the Board of Editors, is preferred.  The CLR bylaws set the EIC appointment at 6 years.

    Applicants should explain their interest in the position and should highlight the aspects of their experience that they believe are most relevant. The Board seeks applications from people committed to the work of the Review and strives to select people with diverse backgrounds and varying experiences in and approaches to clinical legal education. Applications and supporting resumes must be received no later than April 1, 2013. Please email them to me at

    The committee to select new Board members is always chaired by a current Board member whose term is expiring. I will be serving this year as the chair of the Selection Committee. The other members of the committee will be designated by the three organizations that sponsor the Clinical Law Review -- AALS, CLEA, and NYU -- each of which will designate two committee members.

    I encourage you to contact me or other current or former Board members with any questions or for information about service on the Board or the work of a co-Editor-in-Chief. My fellow Board members and I have found it a very rewarding and informative way to continue the advancement of clinical legal education.

    The other members of the Board are: Sameer Ashar, Margaret Martin Barry, Keith Findley, Michele Gilman, Phyllis Goldfarb, Carolyn Grose, Marty Guggenheim, Mae Quinn, and Brenda Smith. The current Editors-in-Chief are Randy Hertz, Kate Kruse, and Michael Pinard. Those who previously served on the Board are: Jane Aiken, Tony Alfieri, Bev Balos, Juliet Brodie, Angela Burton, Stacy Caplow, Bob Dinerstein, Jon Dubin, Cecelia Espenoza, Gay Gellhorn, Peter Toll Hoffman, Jonathan Hyman, Peter Joy, Minna Kotkin, Deborah Maranville, Bridget McCormack, Binny Miller, Kim O’Leary, Ascanio Piomelli, Paul Reingold, Jim Stark, Paul Tremblay, Nina Tarr, Rod Uphoff, and Leah Wortham. The Emeritus Editors-in-Chief are Richard Boswell, Steve Ellmann, and Isabelle Gunning.

    I look forward to hearing from you. - Ben Barton

  • 25 Sep 2012 6:59 AM | Donna Lee
    American University Washington College of Law seeks applications for a tenure-track clinical faculty position in our General Practice Clinic.  Washington College of Law's in-house, "live-client" Clinical Program is nationally recognized for its leadership in scholarship, development of clinical methodology, contributions to increasing access to justice for under-served clients and breadth of offerings.  The Washington College of Law currently has ten live-client clinical offerings in the areas of community and economic development, criminal justice, disability, domestic violence, general practice, immigrant justice, intellectual property, international human rights, taxation, and women and the law.
    Minimum qualifications include a J.D. degree, three years’ experience as a lawyer, a commitment to clinical teaching, and a demonstration of scholarly interest in one or more fields of law.
    American University Washington College of Law is committed to a diverse faculty, staff and student body and encourages the applications of women and minorities. American University is an EEO/AA employer.  Appointments will be for the 2013-14 academic year.
    All inquiries should be by mail; please do not contact committee members by phone. Interested persons are encour­aged to apply as soon as possible. All applicants should submit a cov­er letter and résumé to:
    American University
    Washington College of Law
    Office of the Dean, Suite 366
    4801 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20016
    or send e-mail with cover letter, résumé, and other supporting ma­terial as attachments to
  • 25 Sep 2012 6:56 AM | Donna Lee
    SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL invites applications for an appointment as Professor in the Practice of Law to instruct in and direct its Transactional Skills Program starting in the 2013-14 academic year.  We seek a candidate who has the interpersonal skills, vision and ambition necessary to establish an innovative transactional lawyering skills program, and who will function as the program’s architect, principal faculty resource, and, as necessary, supervisor in mentoring adjunct faculty members.  We welcome applications from all persons with not only transactional practice experience but a demonstrated background of achievement and commitment to teaching, and particularly encourage applications from women, persons of color, sexual orientation minorities, and others whose backgrounds will contribute to the diversity of the faculty.

    Interested candidates should contact Professors Jeffrey Lipshaw or Joseph Franco, Co-Chairs, Business Law and Transactional Skills Committee, at and with a copy to, or mail their materials to the Co-Chairs of the Business Law And Transactional Skills Committee, c/o Janine LaFauci, at Suffolk University Law School, 120 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts 02108-4977.  Suffolk University is an equal opportunity employer.
  • 25 Sep 2012 6:50 AM | Donna Lee
    Georgia State University’s College of Law seeks applicants for a full-time Clinical Professor responsible for teaching and the day-to-day operations of Georgia State University College of Law’s new Investor Advocacy Clinic, an in-house clinic.  This is a non-tenure track clinical faculty position with faculty status, a renewable contract, and job security commensurate with tenure-track faculty.  Clinical faculty have voting rights and serve on faculty committees at the College of Law.  Appointment could begin as early as January 2013.

    The Clinical Professor will play a significant role in the development of the new clinic.  In addition, the Clinical Professor will supervise students in all aspects of client representation; have primary responsibility for case selection and client communication; develop and teach related coursework; coordinate with other Georgia State University units in the participation of non-law graduate students in the clinic; and have primary responsibility for the day-to-day administration of the clinic.
    The Investor Advocacy Clinic will serve small investors through education and individual representation. Specifically, the clinic will provide legal assistance and advice to investors who have suffered losses resulting from broker misconduct (claims including, but not limited to, misrepresentation, unsuitability, unauthorized trading, excessive trading (“churning”), and failure to supervise) but cannot afford or find private legal representation because of the size of their claim.
    Qualifications for this position include:
    ·         A J.D. degree from an ABA-accredited law school and a strong academic record.
    ·         Excellent experience in legal practice and lawyering skills (preferably in securities arbitration and/or securities litigation).
    ·         A proven record of (or clear demonstrated potential for) successful teaching and professional engagement.
    ·         Membership in or ability to become a member of the State Bar of Georgia.
    Application: Please submit letters of interest and CVs to Professor Kendall Kerew at
    Georgia State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an equal opportunity educational institution and an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We encourage applications from minorities, women and others who would enrich the diversity of our academic community.
  • 25 Sep 2012 6:46 AM | Donna Lee
    Cardozo School of Law invites applications for a full-time faculty position as Assistant Clinical Professor of Law to work in its established Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic with the clinic’s existing director.

    Applicants must be skilled and creative lawyers with an interest and ability to supervise students in both individual litigation and law reform projects. Applicants must also possess a profound interest in the educational mission of the clinic: to develop the next generation of immigrant advocates and, more generally, to teach students the lawyering skills necessary to serve individual clients and to reform our legal system. Foreign language abilities and prior experience working with immigrant communities are desirable but not required. Applicants need not be admitted to the New York bar at time of application but, if hired, will be expected to obtain admission.
    The clinic’s mission is to offer an outstanding legal educational experience to its students, to provide individual representation to immigrants in traditionally neglected areas, and to serve the immigrant community in efforts to reform law and public policy. The clinic’s emphasis has historically been on removal defense cases for immigrants who are detained or who have had prior contact with the criminal justice system. In addition, the clinic represents immigrant community based and national advocacy organizations on impact projects related to immigration enforcement issues. These projects involve a broad range of legal work including, for example: impact litigation, legal support for legislative advocacy, report writing, administrative advocacy and media work. In all individual and impact cases students perform the critical legal work under the intensive supervision of clinic faculty. The school is committed to maintaining the model of having students work on both individual cases and impact projects and is committed to directing our resources toward the least served immigrant populations.

    Interested candidates should send a cover letter, references and c.v. to Zsuzsanna Toth at Applications will be accepted starting September 1, 2012.


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