Chapman University Law School - Family Violence Clinic - Clinical Professor

28 Sep 2012 9:00 PM | Donna Lee
CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications for a full-time faculty position to begin in the 2013-2014 academic year as a clinical professor in the Bette & Wylie Aitken Family Violence Clinic.  The clinic represents low-income clients in immigration and protection order matters.  Students elect to enroll in either the immigration track or the protection order track.  The clinical professor will teach the immigration track of the clinic seminar, supervise immigration track students, perform intake interviews with prospective clients, represent clients in immigration matters, and assist with clinic fund-raising efforts.  Candidates should have a J.D. or its equivalent along with either great promise or a record of excellence in teaching.  We especially prefer candidates with experience in immigration practice.  Chapman University is an Equal Opportunity Employer, committed to providing career opportunities to all people, without regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.   Final candidates will be required to undergo a background check. Contact: Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to Professor Scott Howe, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee.  Contact address: 


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