News Blog

CLEA news blog: you can use your news aggregator to monitor the latest on the CLEA website.

  • 20 Dec 2021 3:31 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    On behalf of the CLEA Elections Committee, we are pleased to announce the results of the 2021 election for CLEA’s Board of Directors and the CLEA Executive Committee. These terms commence on January 1, 2022.

    Executive Committee:

    • Gautam Hans, Co-Vice-President/President-Elect (Vanderbilt Law School)
    • Lynnise Pantin, Co-Vice-President/President-Elect (Columbia Law School)

    Board Members:

    • Esther Park (University of Washington School of Law)
    • June Tai (University of Iowa College of Law)
    • Neha Lall (University of Baltimore School of Law)
    • Serge Martinez (University of New Mexico School of Law)
    • Thiadora Pina (Santa Clara University School of Law)

    Please join us in congratulating these new board members and officers and in thanking them for their service to the clinical teaching community.  

  • 29 Oct 2021 2:01 PM | Lauren Bartlett

    The 2021 election for CLEA's Board of Directors and Executive Committee will open this Monday November 1, 2021, and the voting will close at 11:59pm ET on December 1, 2021.

    On November 1, all CLEA members in good standing will receive an email with a link to the voting platform.  We recommend that you remove “” from your email spam filters before November 1 to be sure that you receive your ballot. 

    In advance of the opening of the Board elections, please review the candidate’s statements and bios linked here.

    This year’s slate of candidates for the CLEA Board are as follows:

    • Andy Budzinski
    • Lauren Godshall
    • Neha Lall
    • Serge Martinez
    • Nickole Miller
    • Michael Murphy
    • Natalie Netzel
    • Sarah M. Nissel
    • Thiadora A. Pina
    • Esther Park
    • Anne Sidwell
    • Jonathan Smith
    • June Tai
    • Madalyn Wasilczuk

    And the nominees for the Executive Committee are:

    • Co-Vice Presidents: Lynnise Pantin & Gautam Hans

    Thank you and we look forward to CLEA’s election season!


    The CLEA Elections Committee

    Melanie DeRousse, University of Kansas School of Law

    Shobha Mahadev, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

    Crystal Grant, Duke University School of Law

    Lauren Bartlett, St. Louis University School of Law

  • 26 Sep 2021 2:55 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    Please see below for an invitation for CLEA members to participate in this year's LatCrit, Inc./SALT Annual Faculty Development Workshop on October 7, 2021:


    We are writing to invite you the LatCrit, Inc./SALT Annual Faculty Development Workshop (FDW), which will take place on October 7, 2021, the day before the 2021 LatCrit Biennial Conference “Resistance and Transformation: Mapping Critical Geographies and Alternative Possibilities in Legal Scholarship and Praxis for the Next Twenty-Five Years.” The Conference is sponsored by the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.  

    The FDW is designed for those who are planning to enter or who have recently joined the legal academy.  The day-long workshop includes sessions on topics facing prospective, junior, and pre-tenured faculty, while providing opportunities to network and form mentoring relationships with established faculty.  The FDW is an invaluable learning and professional development opportunity! 

    Registration for the FDW is free for attendees of the LatCrit conference. Please feel free to e-mail Professor Ron Hochbaum at with any questions.  

    For more information about the LatCrit Conference, please visit We hope to see you on October 7th! 

    Sincerely yours,

    2021 FDW Committee (Ron Hochbaum, Nancy Chi Cantalupo, Kyle Velte, Saru Matambanadzo, Marissa Jackson Sow, T. Anansi Wilson, and Tania Valdez)

  • 26 Sep 2021 2:52 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    Check out our Teaching Justice Webinar Series page for more information about their fall programs and to register. Here's the schedule:

    October 12, 2021
    Teaching Justice through Teaching Ethics
    1pm EST/12pm CST/11am MST/10am PST
    Gautam Hans, Vanderbilt Law

    November 11, 2021
    Teaching Justice through Freedom Pedagogy
    2pm EST/1pm CST/12pm MST/11am PST
    Norrinda Hayat, Rutgers Law

    December 7, 2021
    Teaching Justice and Equity through Externships
    1:30pm EST/ 12:30 CST/11:30am MST/ 10:30am PST
    Alexi Freeman, Denver Sturm College of Law

  • 28 Jun 2021 1:33 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    On June 28, 2021, CLEA sent a letter to the ABA Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar suggesting revisions to the language of proposed Standard 303(c) to require “education and training in antiracism,” throughout the curriculum, including through a required course.

    Click here to read CLEA's letter. 

  • 21 Jun 2021 4:56 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    We are most pleased to announce the 2021 recipients of the  CLEA Outstanding Clinic Student or Outstanding Clinic Team Award, and the CLEA Outstanding Externship Student Award. These awards are given annually at the completion of the academic year. 

    Visit our awards page to learn more about the CLEA student awards. 

  • 16 Jun 2021 2:23 PM | Jeff Baker (Administrator)

    From the organizers: 

    Pepperdine Caruso School of Law and UCLA School of Law are proud to announce that we will jointly host the Externships 11 Conference February 18th - 20th, 2022. Participants will have the opportunity to spend time in Southern California on both campuses. The Externships 11 Conference will provide an exceptional opportunity for externship faculty and administrators from across the nation to convene after more than a year of distanced collaboration and share best practices and innovations.

    Pepperdine Caruso School of Law provides well-established, extensive externship programs through the Clinical Education Program, Global Programs, and Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution that continually strive to expand and improve. Students enrolled in these programs participate in diverse externships from the Malibu campus, the Washington DC Externship Semester, the London program, and other international initiatives.

    UCLA School of Law’s Externship Program places hundreds of students annually at placements across Greater Los Angeles, from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to the Sundance Institute to the ACLU, as well as in Washington D.C. and the Hague. Students participate in seminars organized by practice area alongside their placements in order to deepen their reflection and their commitment to doing ethical, excellent legal work.

    Please save the date and make plans to join us in Los Angeles and Malibu next year. More information, RFPs and details will be forthcoming throughout the year.

  • 03 May 2021 2:19 PM | Anonymous


    Global Alliance for Justice Education

    International Journal of Clinical Legal Education

    Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education


    Worldwide Online Conference

    Hosted by Northumbria University


    16th-18th June 2021 

    "Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Justice Education in Times of Crises"

    A reminder of the GAJE/IJCLE/ACCLE Worldwide Online Conference which will take place on 16th, 17th and 18th June 2021. The conference is hosted and organized with the technical support of Northumbria University (UK).  
    Information about the conference is attached and available here: or
    If you wish to make a proposal (using the new symposia or our usual interactive workshops format), please click here:
    à Proposal Deadline: 21st May 2021
    If you wish to register, please click here: 
    à Registration Deadline: 28th May 2021
    The conference will offer – amongst others – the following highlights: 
    à International Clinicians’ Café: Sharing and Reflecting on Stories of Transformation and Resilience Susan L. Brooks, Associate Dean and Professor, Drexel University Kline School of Law; Neil Gold, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Law, University of Windsor.
    This interactive workshop will provide a lively and enjoyable forum for our international clinical community to share and reflect on our stories of transformation. An opportunity to bring along the beverage of your choice and meet clinicians in small groups. By listening deeply to each other’s stories of transformation and resilience we will identify common themes and threads. These will lead us to more tools and strategies for continuing to thrive as we face ongoing conditions of uncertainty.
    à Lightning Talks
    The conference will offer rooms for “Lightning Talks”. Here anyone can book a space/time for a maximum 5 minutes presentation in order to give others a quick glimpse at a work in progress in your clinic, or seek out for fellow campaigners to join you in an access to justice project, or share an innovative legal education method etc. It will be the ideal space to share ideas, projects, funny moments and of course to get in contact with other legal educators/justice activists from all over the world. 
    à e-TOT
    At this conference, an e-TOT course program including three 90-minute interactive sessions will be held with experienced instructors and facilitators. The titles of these three sessions are:1- Designing a Clinic; 2- Lesson Plans and Interactive methods; 3- Supervision and Student Assessment.
    à Newcomer’s rooms
    GAJE and IJCLE conferences have always been important meeting points in order to connect and to get engaged with other justice educators around the world. Albeit online, we are planning to create specific rooms/spaces at the conference, where “newcomers" can connect to each other and to already connected clinicians/educators/justice activists from all over the world.

    - SHARE INFORMATION OF THE CONFERENCE: Please help us spreading the information about the conference around!
    GET INVOLVED: GAJE conferences have always been ideal occasions of GAJE members to get involved. We are still looking for persons who would be available to support the conference planning, in particular linked to the Conference Program - Stream Coordination”. If you are interested, please send a us a message (email to!
    - SEEKING OUT FOR CONFERENCE SUPPORT: Inspired by the experiences of the prior successful GAJE conferences, we believe that GAJE conferences - also the upcoming online edition - are ideal occasions to create collaborative opportunities with interested institutions and organizations. Support could include but are not limited to: (1) Undertaking part of the technical costs of holding the Conference online, (2) Supporting the registration fees of some participants, who are otherwise unable to attend, etc. Please contact us, if you have any idea related to potential supporters (email to

  • 27 Apr 2021 3:46 PM | Mike Murphy (Administrator)

    Following the success of CLEA's first ever virtual Trivia Night, we are inviting you all to join us for another round of trivia fun.

    The next Trivia Night will take place on Wednesday, May 19th, at 8pm ET / 5pm PT, via Zoom.

    We estimate the trivia portion will take approximately one hour, during which you will be able to socialize with your team members and with other teams, and there will be additional time to socialize afterward.

    We encourage you all to form teams now. The deadline to sign your team up is May 7, 2021. Team captains: sign up here: Some information about teams and the event:

    • Teams may have anywhere from 4-12 members (we recommend 6-10), and team members can be anywhere in the country (or world, really). Each team member will be on Zoom on their own device; no need to meet up in person! During the event, one member from each team will have to input the team's answers using a separate device (a smart phone is great for this). You will be conferring about, and answering, questions as a team, and your team will be competing against a number of other teams (no one person will be put on the spot).

    • Teams can include anyone you know. Do you have a group of "conference peeps" you normally meet up with at conferences? Form a team! Looking for a bonding event for your outgoing or incoming clinic students? Form a team! Want to do a social event for clinic faculty at your own school? Form some teams!

    • There is no theme for the questions; they could be about anything from 90s pop music to flags of the world to astrophysics. The only rule is that you not cheat by looking up the answers. Use your noodle, not your google!

    • The winning team(s) will receive a prize. And this time, to continue the hilarious tradition started by the participants of our first Trivia Night, a special prize will also go to the team that tells the best story of how they met (truthfulness optional).

    • The event is free to attend and open to the clinical/experiential community (and your teammates). In lieu of charging for the event, CLEA is accepting donations to help defray event costs here: While we wish we could DoorDash refreshments to all of you, the event sadly will be BYOB.

    • Once you have formed a team and decided on a team name, the team captain should sign your team up using this form:, no later than May 7, 2021. (Small changes to the makeup of the team will be permitted after that date.)

    • If you don't have a team but would like to participate, you may also fill out that same form no later than May 7, and we will match you with others looking for a team.

    • Closer to the date of the event, team captains will receive a Zoom link for the event, which they can then share with their team members.

    We hope to see you there, and don't forget to attend the upcoming CLEA Membership Meeting during the AALS Clinical Conference on April 28 at 10am ET / 7am PT!

    Lauren Bartlett & Anju Gupta
    CLEA Co-Presidents

  • 27 Apr 2021 12:41 PM | Anonymous

    The Spring 2021 CLEA Newsletter is out now and filled with announcements, updates, celebrations, and articles of interest to our wonderful clinical community. Enjoy and best wishes for the end of the semester. 

    Click here to download the newsletter!


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