News Blog

CLEA news blog: you can use your news aggregator to monitor the latest on the CLEA website.

  • 18 May 2015 2:45 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    The schedule for the 2015 conference on Applied Legal Storytelling is out! You will see that we have not one, but two plenary sessions: on "Storytelling and Professional Formation" and on "Feminists Judgments and Storytelling."  Surrounding those two plenary sessions are 57 other discrete panels and presentations on applied legal storytelling, offered by 87 presenters.  Our presenters include colleagues from as far away as the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, and they will be talking about a fascinating variety of topics.  We invite you to come join us at the conference.

    The conference runs from Tuesday, July 21st, through Thursday, July 23rd, at Seattle University.  In keeping with conference tradition, the conference will close Thursday evening with a formal sit-down dinner--this time at the Rainier Club in downtown Seattle.  The conference fee includes continental breakfasts, salad buffet lunches, and the dinner at the Rainier Club.  You may find additional conference information, including information about housing, on the Legal Writing Institute's website or by clicking here: 

    And if you want to go directly to conference registration, please click here: 

    We invite you to join us at the 2015 Applied Legal Storytelling conference, the fifth time for this assemblage of engaging presentations and collegial conversations.  And fun.  Seattle in July is sunny and warm, but rarely too hot.  The city is filled with things to do and includes a vibrant restaurant scene.  The waters and mountains of the Pacific Northwest are beautiful and worth exploring before or after the conference.  See you in Seattle!

  • 01 May 2015 6:41 AM | Tanya A Cooper (Administrator)
    Please click here to view the latest edition of the CLEA newsletter (or go to the News Tab to see all editions of the CLEA Newsletter).
  • 15 Apr 2015 11:50 AM | Laura McNally-Levine

    CLEA Co-President Mary Lynch testified before the New York Court of Appeals Advisory Committee on the Uniform Bar Examination on Tuesday February 3, 2015.  The New York Law Journal noted Lynch’s comments here. Also, read the letter CLEA submitted in advance of the hearing here and our follow up letter post hearing responding to questions posed to us by the Advisory Committee here.

  • 14 Apr 2015 6:28 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    Clinical Legal Education Association submitted a memorandum on November 3, 2014, in response to the Council's invitation to suggest revisions to the new Standards.  With this memorandum CLEA requested that the Standards Review Committee and Council consider the impact on part-time law students of the recent revision of Standard 305(e)(6) regarding the amount of prior study required for participation in a field placement program.

  • 02 Jan 2015 9:15 AM | Tanya A Cooper (Administrator)

    Please click here to view the newest edition of the CLEA newsletter (or go to the News Tab to see all editions of the CLEA Newsletter)

  • 20 Nov 2014 12:08 PM | Maritza Karmely

    Co-sponsored by the Legal Writing Institute (LWI) and CLEA.  This is the 5th Applied Legal Storytelling Conference that CLEA has co-sponsored with LWI and the event represents an important collaboration between the clinic community and the legal writing community.

    For more information about the Applied Legal Storytelling Confrence, please go to the following website:

  • 13 Nov 2014 1:19 PM | Maritza Karmely



    to the

    Council of the American Bar Association

    Section of Legal Education and Admission to the Bar

    for its meeting on

    December 5, 2014


    The Clinical Legal Education Association (CLEA) is pleased to submit this report of its activities since it last reported to the Council in August 2014.

    CLEA’s membership is comprised of over 1000 dues paying legal educators who teach students in a variety of real practice settings – from in-house clinics where students represent clients under our supervision; to externship placements where students work under the supervision of lawyers in-the-field with whom we collaborate closely to oversee our students’ learning experience; to an almost infinite variety of hybrids between the two.  Our members are at the forefront of responding to and planning for the on-going changes in legal education, particularly the relatively recent recognition of the importance and value of experiential education.  We are commited to the process of innovation in clinical legal education to best train law students for practice in the twenty-first century.  CLEA remains an important clearinghouse of information, communicating proposed regulatory changes and developments to our members, and providing a conduit through which these experienced educators can add to the national dialogue about the best practices in legal education.

    Some highlights of CLEA’s activities since our last report include:

    • CLEA’s State Bar Initiatives Working Group provided written comments to the California Bar Association’s Task Force on Admission Regulation Reform which has been working to implement the requirement that all law students have 15 units of practice-based, experiential training; in part, we advocated that the 15 units be earned through credit-bearing law school courses so that California’s state-specific reform could incorporate by reference the national standards adopted by the ABA for experiential education;

    • CLEA continues to collaborate with the American Association of Law School’s (AALS) Clinical Section; for example, our Per Diem Committee is working with the AALS Conference Planning Committee to coordinate the selection and presentation of CLEA’s Per Diem Award to a local not-for-profit in Rancho Mirage, CA, where the May 2015 annual clinical conference will take place; likewise CLEA’s and AALS’s Newsletter Committees are coordinating to provide better coverage of news and new developments in our community;

    • Through its Conference Committee, CLEA continues to financially support regional clinical conferences and externship conferences.  Since August 2014, CLEA has given an average grant of $500.00 to the Southern Regional Clinical Conference, Externships 7 Conference, and the Northern California Clinical Conference;


    • CLEA’s Election Committee has successfully solicited nominations for candidates to be elected to the CLEA Board and Executive Committee, and worked to ensure that every Member receives an electronic ballot and is able to vote in our upcoming elections.


    As always, we appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Council’s work as an affiliate and look forward to continued constructive engagement with the shared goal of improving legal education.


    Donna H. Lee                                            Jenny Roberts

    CUNY School of Law                                  American University, Washington College of Law

    CLEA Co-President                                    CLEA Co-President

  • 11 Sep 2014 10:31 AM | Maritza Karmely
    CLEA’s Comment on the Phase II Implementing Recommendations of the California Task Force on Admissions Regulation can be read here. 


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