
Please send an email to if you would like to post a position on our jobs board. Submit the job positing as a Word document or in the body of the e-mail. The postings are updated on a weekly basis.

  • 26 Sep 2016 5:48 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    The Institute for Public Representation (IPR) invites applications for a two-year clinical fellow/staff attorney position to start in August 2017 in its Environmental section.

    What is IPR?

    IPR is a public interest law firm and law school clinic founded by Georgetown University Law Center in 1971. IPR serves as counsel for groups and individuals who are unable to obtain effective legal representation on issues of broad public importance. IPR’s work is currently focused in three areas: civil rights/general public interest law, environmental law, and communications law and policy. IPR provides third-year and occasionally second-year law students an opportunity to develop a wide range of lawyering skills by working on real cases under the supervision of faculty members and fellows (also referred to as staff attorneys).

    There are six fellow positions at IPR, and we are now recruiting for three of these two-year positions for the 2017-2019 term, one in the civil rights/general public interest law area, one in communications and technology law and one in the environmental law area. There are separate announcements for the civil rights/general public interest law and communications and technology positions.

    IPR’s Environmental Practice

    IPR’s work in environmental law primarily focuses on individuals and communities, many of whom are in the Washington metropolitan area, who suffer a disproportionate share of environmental harms and enjoy fewer environmental amenities than other parts of the area in question. Our clients have included neighborhood associations, regional, local, and tribal environmental organizations, community activists, and Indian tribes. IPR also represents national organizations on environmental issues of national importance arising under the federal environmental laws. We have worked on litigation involving the full array of federal, state, and local environmental laws as well as civil rights and administrative law, and have appeared in federal and state courts and before local zoning boards, public service commissions, and agency hearing examiners. In addition to litigation, our environmental advocacy extends to federal and regional state agency rule-making and permitting processes, and frequently involves working to support coalitions of groups concerned with these issues.

    The nature of IPR’s environmental projects varies from year to year depending on client need, attorney interest, and resource availability. Because IPR conducts a clinical legal education program for twenty-four Georgetown law students each semester, eight of whom work on environmental projects, another key factor in selecting projects is their appropriateness for clinical teaching. Additional information about IPR’s projects is available on-line here.

    The students, most of whom are in their third year of law school, work at IPR full time and receive credit for an entire semester of law school work. The students work on projects under the supervision of an environmental clinical fellow/staff attorney and faculty member. The students and clinical fellow/staff attorneys also participate in seminars dealing with issues of federal administrative and litigation practice, various substantive fields of law, and issues of professional responsibility as well as team project meetings in which students present some issue that has arisen in their project to their fellow students and supervisors. Fellows/staff attorneys are offered an opportunity to co-teach seminars with a faculty member. Students have the chance to develop a wide range of lawyering skills as well as to consider how their personal values relate to their professional careers.

    In addition to the clinical fellow/staff attorneys, the professional staff of IPR includes three full-time members of the law school faculty. The faculty members oversee work on projects and are responsible for teaching the seminars and grading. The faculty member responsible for the environmental projects is Professor Hope M. Babcock. Professor Babcock has directed IPR’s environmental program for twenty five years and has over forty years of experience in environmental law. She was formerly general counsel of the National Audubon Society and served in the Carter Administration in the U.S. Department of the Interior. She also teaches environmental and natural resources law at Georgetown. During the Fall of 2017 Professor Babcock will be on sabbatical.

    What Do the Clinical Fellow/Staff Attorneys Do?

    The clinical fellow/staff attorneys are responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the students, and work closely with the students on improving their lawyering skills, especially legal research, writing, and analysis. Much of the staff attorneys' time is spent guiding students in conducting legal and factual research, reviewing student drafts, making suggestions for improvement, and preparing the students for oral presentations. The staff attorneys have their own opportunities to engage in oral and written advocacy on their projects, including the chance to argue before federal, state, or administrative judges. They take an active role in project development and in planning other IPR activities.

    Past clinical fellow/staff attorneys have emphasized that the IPR experience is unique in several respects:

    First, the fellowship program offers an opportunity to work on interesting, often cutting-edge projects. Because all of our projects are handled on a pro bono basis, we have leeway to choose projects that are important, interesting, and present educational opportunities for both students and graduate fellow/staff attorneys.

    Second, graduate fellow/staff attorneys assume substantial responsibility for projects at an early stage of their careers and generally play a more important role in the decision-making process than do their contemporaries in other types of law practice. They also have an opportunity to work on a variety of cases, at different stages of development, so they gain a broader understanding of how cases are developed and how the litigation process, in particular, works. Graduate fellow/staff attorneys work closely with a broad range of public interest organizations, meeting others who are involved in public interest law and seeing how their organizations function.

    Third, clinical fellow/staff attorneys acquire a good practical working knowledge of both specific subject matter areas and of the federal, state, and local administrative and judicial process.

    Fourth, clinical fellow/staff attorneys have an opportunity to work closely with experienced, full time faculty members, who have substantial litigation and substantive expertise. For those with an interest in clinical teaching, graduate fellow/staff attorneys get first-hand experience in clinical supervision, and also participate in, and often co-teach, seminars. As part of the Law Center community, graduate fellow/staff attorneys are urged to attend faculty workshops and other programs, and to participate in a variety of on- and off-campus activities.

    Pay and other benefits

    The annual stipend for the position will be at least $53,500 plus an opportunity to participate in group health insurance and other benefits, including unlimited free access to a state-of-art, on-site fitness center. The fellowship will start in August 2017 and end in August 2019. Georgetown University Law Center awards an LL.M in Advocacy to each fellow upon completion of their two-year term.

    What Qualifications Are We Looking For?

    We are looking for applicants who demonstrate the following:

    • a commitment to public interest law
    • at least two years of relevant prior work experience in environmental law, a fellowship with an environmental organization, or a judicial clerkship
    • strong legal writing and communications skills and experience and/or
    • interest in helping others improve their legal writing, research, and analytical skills
    • an interest in (and aptitude for) clinical legal education

    Clinical fellow/staff attorneys must be members of the D.C. Bar or take steps to apply for membership in the D.C. Bar (through examination or reciprocity) upon being accepted for the position.

    How to Apply?

    Applicants for the fellowship should submit the following:

    • a resume and law school transcript
    • a list of references, including contact information
    • a recent legal writing sample of any length that represents the applicant’s most challenging legal work (The writing sample should not be a collaborative work or a piece significantly edited by someone else.)
    • a brief statement (not longer than one single-spaced page) explaining the applicant’s interest in the position.

    Send your application materials in a PDF file attached to an email to IPR’sAdministrator, Niko Perazich, at The application deadline is Monday December 5th 2016.

    After reviewing the application materials, we will select a small number of applicants to be interviewed at our office. While IPR cannot pay applicants’ travel expenses, we will try to arrange interviews at a time most convenient for the applicant.

  • 16 Sep 2016 11:43 AM | Laura McNally-Levine

    THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND CAREY SCHOOL OF LAW invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position to direct the school’s environmental law clinic to commence in the fall of 2017. The Environmental Law Clinic, established in 1987, is part of the school’s nationally acclaimed Environmental Law Program and an important part of the University of Maryland’s nationally ranked clinical law program. We will consider both entry level and lateral candidates with demonstrated potential for outstanding legal practice, clinical education and scholarly achievement.

    The University of Maryland has a strong commitment to diversity. We welcome applications from persons of color and other members of historically disadvantaged groups. Contact: Chair of the Appointments Committee, Professor Peter Danchin, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, 500 W. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Email: Phone: (410) 706-3960. Questions concerning the position may also be addressed to Professor Robert Percival, Director of Maryland’s Environmental Law Program. Email: Phone: (410) 706-2184.

    The University of Maryland, Baltimore is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

  • 16 Sep 2016 11:32 AM | Laura McNally-Levine

    Texas Law has an opening for a clinical professor to direct our Actual Innocence Clinic (AIC). We will consider applicants for a full-time or a three-quarter time appointment. The ideal candidate will be available to begin in January 2017, but we will also consider applicants who cannot begin until the summer of 2017. The position is a 9-month clinical faculty appointment. The position is non-tenure track, with an initial one-year appointment followed by three-year rolling, presumptively renewable appointments. The new director will join a close community of over 25 faculty in our clinical program.

    The AIC has been offered at Texas Law since 2004. It operates independently but shares information and coordinates activities with other innocence projects in Texas. The AIC is partially funded by the Texas Legislature, but Texas Law has made a long-term commitment to the AIC and it is supported by a new endowment.

    The AIC is a six-credit, one semester, pass/fail course with approximately 10 students enrolled each semester. We expect the AIC director to:

    · Teach a weekly classroom component,

    · Meet regularly with students and supervise their work,

    · Assume primary responsibility for any litigation,

    · Fulfill reporting requirements and communication needs associated with funding sources,

    · Plan an annual event to highlight an issue/person related to the work of the AIC, and

    · Participate in meetings and activities of the clinical program.

    AIC students screen and investigate claims from Texas inmates who are not on death row and assert that they are actually innocent of the offenses for which they are incarcerated. While investigating cases, students typically interview witnesses, research cases, review transcripts, and visit inmates in prison. The director works closely with the students on all aspects of the work, including litigation activities. This position requires occasional case-related travel. More information about the AIC can be found at:


    1. Member of Texas Bar or ability to become licensed in Texas quickly;

    2. Eight or more years of experience in criminal defense, preferably including innocence claims;

    3. Experience supervising law students and/or junior attorneys;

    4. Experience running a law office or practice area; and

    5. Teaching experience (preferred).

    The salary for this position is $98,000 to $117,000 for nine months, depending on experience. Questions about the AIC should be directed to: Tiffany Dowling, 512/471-1317,

    To apply: send a cover letter and resume by email before October 21, 2016, to Eden Harrington, Associate Dean for Experiential Education, 512/232-7068,

    Questions about the hiring process should also be directed to Harrington.

  • 16 Sep 2016 11:26 AM | Laura McNally-Levine

    NYU School of Law is seeking new or experienced clinical teachers for tenure-track positions on our clinical faculty.

    Applicants in any field of practice are welcome to apply: We are not aiming to fill a position in any particular clinic; applicants can elect either to teach in one of our existing clinics (see or to create a new clinic. We seek to hire faculty committed to providing a powerful individual and collective learning experience that engages students actively in working collaboratively with underserved individuals and communities as they look to gain access to justice. Our preference is to hire faculty who will create clinics or teach in an existing clinic where students serve as the primary providers of legal services, under close faculty supervision.

    Applicants should have practice experience and an academic record that demonstrate the potential for clinical teaching and scholarly achievement. NYU Law School is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity.

    If you wish to apply, please send a statement of interest and a résumé to Randy Hertz at by no later than November 1, 2016.

  • 13 Sep 2016 2:16 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law of Yeshiva University invites applications for a full-time clinical professor to direct its Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic. The successful candidate will join a robust clinical program at a law school long dedicated to experiential learning and public service.

    Cardozo’s Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic provides students with firsthand experience in human rights cases and projects that promote its core mission of increasing accountability for genocide and other mass atrocities, providing redress to victims, and preventing future atrocities around the world. Funded in part by a Holocaust claims settlement award, the Clinic is a central component of the Cardozo Law Institute in Holocaust and Human Rights (CLIHHR), which aims to strengthen human rights laws, norms, and institutions to prevent mass atrocities, protect populations during conflict, and rebuild societies in the wake of hostilities. Historically, the Clinic, often in partnership with UN agencies and other intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, has worked on litigation and policy that advances refugee protection, represented refugees seeking asylum in the United States, and assisted in the reconstruction of post-conflict societies through work on criminal accountability, reparations, and transitional justice. Case projects have included litigation before international and regional tribunals and national courts, investigation of human rights violations, production of policy papers, strategic advocacy before national, regional, and international authorities, and empirical studies examining the impact of human rights abuses. Going forward, specific projects within the overall mission of the Clinic will depend on the vision of the new Director. The Clinic Director will be responsible for designing and overseeing all aspects of the Clinic’s teaching and practice missions. This will include supervising students and, potentially, fellows; preparing and teaching a classroom seminar; engaging with non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations; and, as appropriate, expanding the work of the Clinic into new areas. 

    The Clinic Director is expected to take an active part in faculty governance and the intellectual life of the law school. Candidates interested in also pursuing a robust scholarly agenda are encouraged to speak with the Appointments Committee about the option of a tenure-track appointment. Applicants should have a JD degree or equivalent, at least five years of relevant experience, an outstanding record of professional achievement, and a commitment to clinical teaching. Experience in clinical education is preferred. Review of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter, resume, and list of references to Chair of the Appointments Committee Professor Michael Herz,

    The Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law is a part of Yeshiva University. Yeshiva University has a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action. We are committed to achieving nondiscrimination and equality of opportunity in employment and in all spheres of academic life. All University-wide decisions are based on equitable and equally applied standards of excellence.

  • 11 Sep 2016 10:03 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    The University of Arkansas at Little Rock, William H. Bowen School of Law invites applicants for a non-tenure-track, full-time visiting clinic director position in our new Business Innovations Law Clinic. The position is available beginning June 1, 2017. The successful candidate will supervise clinical students and work with participating attorneys to provide free and low-cost legal services to qualified start-ups, small businesses, innovators, and non-profit organizations in Central Arkansas. Candidates must hold a J.D. from an accredited law school and demonstrate experience in transactional, intellectual property, and corporate law. Candidates must either be admitted to the Arkansas bar or capable of admission to it prior to February 1, 2018. Preferred qualifications include business law practice, collaboration with community partners, and experience supervising attorneys or direct clinical teaching. Salary and rank are commensurate with experience.

    Little Rock is the capital city and largest metropolitan area in Arkansas, boasting extremely affordable housing, cultural attractions, and proximity to extensive recreational areas. The law school is located in revitalized downtown Little Rock, less than two miles from the state capitol, federal, state, and county courthouses, the largest law firms in the state, and the Clinton Presidential Library. Housed in a completely renovated building, the law school is situated within the historic Quapaw Quarter, next to the MacArthur Museum of Military History and the Arkansas Arts Center.

    Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, with a cover letter indicating teaching and scholarly interests and three references, to Professor Michael T. Flannery, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, UALR William H. Bowen School of Law, 1201 McMath Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202-5142, or to The University of Arkansas at Little Rock, an Equal Opportunity Employer, affirms the values and goals of diversity and strongly encourages the applications of all candidates, including women and candidates from historically under-represented groups.

  • 11 Sep 2016 9:45 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    The Harvard Negotiation & Mediation Clinical Program will be expanding once again in July 2017. We are adding a new clinical instructor whose work will focus on Facilitation and Political Dialogue. In addition, we are also beginning a search to fill a clinical instructor position for a position that will be opening in July 2017.

    Both job descriptions, with information on how to apply, can be found here:

  • 09 Sep 2016 12:56 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    Boston University School of Law is seeking to hire a full-time Clinical Instructor in its Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Clinic (the "Clinic"). This Clinic is part of BU Law's Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property & Cyber Law Program, which is a unique collaboration between BU Law and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    The Clinic's mission is to provide law students with the skills and knowledge needed to be effective counsel to entrepreneurs. BU Law students working in the Clinic participate in a hands-on, experiential learning process, providing pro bono legal services to MIT and BU student entrepreneurs and innovators working on turning their academic and extracurricular ideas and activities into businesses. The Clinic provides a full range of startup corporate and transactional legal services to campus-based entrepreneurs seeking to start new ventures or grow existing early-stage businesses. The Clinic also advises on intellectual property matters that are often critical for Clinic clients.

    Students in the Entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Clinic have primary responsibility for all aspects of the matters they are assigned, under the supervision of the Clinical Instructor and Director. The new instructor's primary responsibility will be to supervise and assist students with direct client representation matters and research. The Clinical Instructor will also work with the Director in preparing and teaching a year-long seminar for students enrolled in the Clinic, including developing materials, performing research and coordinating classroom activities and guest presentations.

    The ideal candidate for this position is a member of the Massachusetts bar or is eligible for bar membership, with at least two years of transactional law experience, and whose practice was focused on advising entrepreneurs and early-stage technology companies in corporate, transactional (including capital raising) and intellectual property matters. Teaching experience or a strong interest in developing as a clinical instructor and supervisor is considered a plus for candidates. Excellent writing and editing skills, and organizational and managerial skills are required.

    This position is a non-tenure track Clinical Instructor appointed to a one or two year initial contract. The ideal start date is January 1, 2017, or sooner.

    Boston University School of Law is committed to faculty diversity and welcomes expressions of interest from diverse applicants.

    Applicants should send a letter of interest and a resume to Professor Stacey Dogan, Boston University School of Law, 765 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02215. Email applications are encouraged and should be sent to . Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

    To learn more about the law school, visit our website at With specific questions about the position, contact Jerry O'Connor, Director of the Entrepreneurship and IP Clinic, at

    We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law. We are a VEVRAA Federal Contractor.

  • 09 Sep 2016 11:45 AM | Laura McNally-Levine
    THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO SCHOOL OF LAW seeks lateral and entry-level applicants for one or two positions on our full-time faculty to begin the 2017-18 academic year. One position will be a tenure-track clinical position with the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Clinic. We may also be hiring for a tenure-track classroom position.  Beyond the clinical position, USF welcomes all applicants regardless of areas of expertise, although our primary interests are in candidates with experience in civil procedure or criminal law.  Other particular interests include estates and trusts, evidence, and remedies.  Applicants should demonstrate a record of professional excellence and potential for success as a scholar, teacher, and contributing member of a dynamic and diverse community.  Applications from minority group members and individuals whose background or interests will enhance our diversity are highly encouraged.  Contact: Professor Bill Hing, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, USF School of Law, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117.  Email:
  • 08 Sep 2016 4:03 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

    LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, PAUL M. HEBERT LAW CENTER seeks to hire tenure-track, long-term contract track, or tenured faculty members to teach a business/transactional clinic.  We also may consider applicants who specialize in other areas of clinical practice.  Applicants should have superior academic credentials and publications or promise of productivity in legal scholarship.  Contact:  Melissa T. Lonegrass or William R. Corbett, Co-Chairs of the Faculty Appointments Committee, Paul M. Hebert Law Center, Louisiana State University, 110 LSU Union Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-0106.  The Paul M. Hebert Law Center of LSU is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer and is committed to building a culturally diverse faculty and encourages applications from female and minority candidates.       


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