15 Nov 2018 12:46 PM | Lauren Bartlett (Administrator)

THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW is hiring a new Mysun Foundation Fellow to start in May 2019. This is a two-year fellowship based in University of Miami School of Law’s Environmental Justice Clinic. For more information on how to join our dynamic team and on our cutting edge work, please go to: https://umiami.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/UMFaculty/job/Campus---Coral-Gables/Mysun-Fellow-in-School-of-Law-Environmental-Justice-Clinic_R100027683. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2019.

The University of Miami School of Law’s Environmental Justice Clinic provides rights education, interdisciplinary research, policy resources, and advocacy and transactional assistance to underserved low- and moderate-income communities in the contexts of the built and natural environment across the fields of civil rights, environmental protection, poverty law, and public health. Our current projects include two toxic tort class actions:  one in federal court addressing an open dump under RCRA and one in state court addressing contamination from an incinerator, both contaminated sites were in historically segregated and predominantly minority communities. We are also working with communities to address municipal practices that are having a disproportionately adverse effect on disenfranchised communities, through law reform proposals,  policy recommendations,  fair housing litigation strategies, and community rights education workshops. One of our largest legal-political projects focuses on challenging policies that are facilitating the rapid mass displacement of these communities. Adding to this purview, the EJC plans to increasingly integrate issues and perspectives relating to climate change and climate justice into its projects and cases.


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