Columbia Law School - Temporary PT Supervising Attorney Position,Adolescent Representation Clinic (ARC)

08 Sep 2016 3:58 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

Columbia Law School is seeking applicants for a temporary part-time supervising attorney position for January 1 – June 30, 2017 in the Adolescent Representation Clinic (ARC). The ARC is a civil legal practice, which represents adolescents and young adults who are aging out or have aged out of foster care in a range of areas including housing and homelessness prevention; teen pregnancy and parenting; health and health benefits; income and support benefits; education, tuition and financial aid benefits; financial planning; civil rights including LGBTQ issues; job training and career planning; identity theft and credit; and inheritance.

The ARC is being offered only in the fall 2016 semester because Prof. Jane Spinak, the director, is on leave in the spring. Fall students and TAs will have the option of continuing to represent clients and work on ARC projects in the spring under the supervision of the supervising attorney. We expect approximately 12 students and TAs to enroll in the ARC spring project program. Duties of the supervising attorney will include, but are not limited to: (1) meeting regularly with students to supervise ongoing cases and projects; (2) preparing students for negotiations, administrative hearings or court appearances; (3) accompanying and supervising students at any such hearings or any other legal work that requires a supervising attorney to be in attendance; (4) fostering the reflection and growth of the participating students, which may include several case round classes. The position will average about 10 hours per week, as student needs and the cases and projects require, and the hours of supervising and meeting with students are flexible. We expect occasional administrative hearings or court appearances but no extended hearings or trials are anticipated.

Experienced practitioners and experiential teachers are encouraged to apply. Membership in the NYS bar is required. Diverse candidates encouraged to apply. The position may be held in addition to other employment. Salary information will be discussed with individual candidates. Please email Michelle Ellis at with a cover letter and resume.


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