Emory University School of Law - Turner Environmental Law Clinic Fellowship, The Turner Environmental Law Clinic

01 Aug 2016 2:51 PM | Laura McNally-Levine


The Turner Environmental Law Clinic at Emory University School of Law offers an eighteen-month fellowship to provide a recent law school graduate the opportunity to learn to be an effective environmental advocate while working with the Clinic to address some of the most difficult and cutting edge environmental issues of the day, including: sustainable energy and climate change, sustainable agriculture and urban farming, water resource protection, conservation and land use, and citizen enforcement and participation in regulatory and judicial proceedings. The fellowship focuses on building the next generation of influential attorneys and academics specializing in public interest environmental law. It also provides intensive opportunities to develop clinical education skills. The next Turner Environmental Law Clinic fellowship will begin January 3, 2017.

The Turner Environmental Law Clinic fellow will work under the supervision of Clinic faculty on a variety of projects that will include, at a minimum, the following:

  • Supervise students in the Turner Environmental Law Clinic and assist with teaching in the Clinic’s seminar class.
  • Represent the Clinic’s clients in complex civil litigation, transactional, and policy matters, while working closely with co-counsel, expert witnesses, and municipal leaders.
  • Collaborate with Clinic faculty on environmental law and research projects.

The fellow may also choose to research and write at least one article, policy paper, or other approved project of publishable quality on a topic relating to environmental law.

Qualifications: Law school graduate within three (3) years of graduation, excellent research and writing skills, and proven commitment to public service in the area of environmental law.

To apply: E-mail a resume, statement of interest, transcript, list of three (3) references, and writing sample to the address below.

Deadline: Applications are due by August 19, 2016.

Salary: Salary is competitive with other public interest fellowship opportunities. Emory University offers a generous benefits package.

For additional information or to apply, contact:

Melinda Banks

Administrative Assistant

Turner Environmental Law Clinic

1301 Clifton Road

Atlanta, Georgia 30322


About the Turner Environmental Law Clinic:

The Turner Environmental Law Clinic provides pro bono legal assistance to individuals, community groups, and nonprofit organizations seeking to protect and restore the natural environment for the benefit of the public. Through its work, the Clinic offers students an intense, hands-on introduction to environmental law and trains the next generation of environmental attorneys.

For more information, visit our website at: http://law.emory.edu/academics/clinics/turnerenvironmental-clinic.htm


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