2020 AALS/CLEA Virtual Clinical Conference Materials  

The AALS/CLEA Virtual Clinical Conference was held from Tuesday-Thursday, July 21-23, 2020.

Conference description

We write this call at an unprecedented moment. Streets are filled with protesters rising up in response to horrific and ongoing systemic racism manifested by the continued attack on black and brown lives, and the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our daily reality. This has and will impact our professional and personal lives in critical ways. We are called upon as clinical faculty to reflect on and approach our pedagogy and practice differently. We are in new territory trying to determine the best way to run our clinical programs with the need for all or some of our teaching, services, and advocacy to be delivered remotely. We must re-examine the best way to teach about racial injustice and leverage clinical resources to take action to bring about real, lasting change. With these challenges and the inability to connect in-person, it is our goal to build community, draw on our collective wisdom, and provide a forum for discussion.

The conference consisted of two plenaries, a webinar, asynchronous video presentations, large group discussions, small group discussions focused on specific topics or within affinity groups, programming sponsored by Clinicians of Color (a committee of the Section), and a final community-building session.

Please see below for the conference materials:

Conference Program Guide 

Plenary Sessions and Webinars

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Facing New Suns: Futuristic Lawyering for Black Liberation

Presenters: Rasheedah Phillips (Featured Speaker) and Norrinda Hyat (Rutgers) 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Black Lives Matter and the Future of Clinical Legal Education

Presenters: Desiree Mims (Black Organizing Project), Alexi Freeman (Denver), Nicole Smith Futrell (CUNY), and Renee Hatcher (UIC John Marshall), Donna Lee (CUNY),Oscar Lopez (East Bay Community Law Center)

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Top 5 Tips for Teaching Clinic Online

Presenter: Michele Pistone (Villanova)

Asynchronous Video Presentations

1.Victoria Chase (Rutgers) and Ann E. Freedman (Rutgers): Materials and Video

2.Melissa Deehring (Qatar): Materials and Video

3.Elizabeth Grant (Georgia) and Christine Scartz (Georgia): Materials and Video

4.Amy Kimpel (Alabama): Materials and Video

5.Michael Murphy (Penn): Materials and Video

Thank you to the over 300 clinicians who attended the conference! 

AALS/CLEA Virtual Clinical Conference Planning Committee:

Wendy Bach (Co-Chair)

Kathryn Banks

Caitlin Barry

Davida Finger

Norrinda Hayat 

Susan Hazeldean 

Kendall Kerew (Co-Chair)

Donna Lee

Mary Lynch

Michael Murphy

Jean Phillips

Joy Radice


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