CLEA Externship Committee Releases Survey of Schools on Payment of Students for For-Credit Externships

09 Oct 2018 1:28 PM | Lauren Bartlett (Administrator)

The CLEA Externship Committee is delighted to share its much-anticipated Report:  Survey of Schools on Payment of Students for For-Credit Externships.

The Report analyzes data generated by a March 2018 survey on how law schools responded to ABA Standards revisions that removed the prohibition on paid externships.  An impressive 151 law schools responded to the survey, but the Report notes the following caveat:  the minority of schools that are experimenting with payment only recently implemented such policies and have little experience to report at this time.  For that reason, CLEA plans to continue examining this issue in future data collection efforts.

In conjunction with the survey, the CLEA Externship Committee conducted two webinars last May and June that shared preliminary survey results, and examined considerations and challenges in permitting and implementing paid externships.  Over 80 law schools participated in the webinars, and a version of it is available on the LexternWeb site.

Many thanks to the CLEA Externship Committee members whose initiative, hard work, and brainpower brought this project to fruition:  D’lorah Hughes (Irvine), Kendall Kerew (Georgia State), Amy Sankaran (University of Michigan), and Alex Scherr (University of Georgia).

If you have questions about the Report or suggestions for future data collection, please contact committee co-chairs: