Results of CLEA Strategic Planning Survey from December 2015

20 Jan 2016 12:34 PM | Laura McNally-Levine

Thanks so much to those of you who participated in our CLEA Strategic Planning Survey at the end of 2015. We received a number of responses. The data we collected was valuable; we used the information during our membership and board meetings in early January and will continue to analyze the data as we prepare for our CLEA board retreat at the end of April.

The overall takeaways from the survey indicates that (1) there is strong consensus regarding the relevance and importance of CLEA's current mission statement, and of the organization's effectiveness in fulfilling the mission; and (2) the planning process provides an opportunity to enhance member engagement and organizational communication. You can view the results of the survey here

We will continue to reach out to our terrific membership as we continue with the strategic planning process.